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All songs words & music © Ed Pickford PRS/MCPS

They Can’t Put ‘em Back

When they blow the heads off mountains to strip-mine the coal below

The create black poisoned fountains that will fall to Earth like snow

And there’s one thing to be sure of as the world turns green to black

They can blow the heads off mountains but they sure can’t put ‘em back


Oh they can’t put ‘em back - they  can’t put ‘em back

Blow the heads off mountains but they can’t  put ‘em back

They pollute the waterways roll down the  Ohio

Ride the Mississippi to the Gulf of   Mexico

Let me tell of Larry Gibson - may his name forever stand

He was keeper of the mountains & a hero in that land

For he stood on Kayford mountain & was shipwrecked by Big Coal

But he wouldn’t sell his birthright for the mountain was his soul


Now the birds look down on craters where the trees once slept with stars

And they see how speculators can turn paradise to Mars

For in nature’s green oasis where ther once was crystal streams

There are Appalachian spaces bearing scars from strip-mine schemes
