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All songs words & music © Ed Pickford PRS/MCPS

Heard a man on my T.V.

Say, “We gotta save all the energy

The oil and the coal are getting low

And the fast reactor is slow

Gave a little scream - gave a little cry

Looked like we were fixing to die

Heard a voice –it was my hamster Sid

These were the words he said.

“You may be human but you are dumb

There’s no need to sit their glum

I turn my wheel all through the night

That energy could give you light


Sing a little song for my hamster Sid

His wheel is connected to the National Grid

He’s a dynamo of high degree

He males e-lec-tric-it-y    

A hamster wheel and elastic band

Makes the pylons sing all over this land

When he jumps on his wheel and he says, “Go.”

You ought to see those electrons flow.

He eats seeds from a sunflower flower

He makes hamsto-electric power

It’s good for the ecology

It’s high on ergs and pollution free



My hamster pal and the food he ate

Saved the world from its fate

One he died and he died well used

His eyes just closed & his heart just fused

Hamster Sid