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All songs words & music © Ed Pickford PRS/MCPS

Lots of good people I see around town

They’re down when they’re up - they’re down when they’re down

They’re cold when they’re cold – they’re cold when they’re hot

They’re never content to have what they’ve got

Abou ben Adhem may your tribe increase

You woke one night from a deep dream of peace

An angel was writing - so I’ve been told

Here’s what he wrote in a book of pure gold

{You’ve got to….}


Go to go with what you’ve got go with what you’ve got

Go with what you’ve got ‘til you get there

Though what you’ve got may not seem a lot

Go with what you’ve got and you’ll get there

Life is no tea-dance no walk in the park

Most of its just chance - a leap in the dark

Breathing in mud in the Slough of Despond

Don’t think of what’s happened – think how you respond

Think of those women and think of those men

Who gave what they had and didn’t complain

Just do what you can and can what you can’t

Be what you are and don’t crave what you aren’t

{You’ve got to….}


Feel what you say and then say what you feel

Truth’s always strong and all truth’s always real

Don’t hang your head and don’t give up the fight

The cup is half full when you live it right

There’s no easy answer - no easy cure

There’s no guarantees and nothing secure

Just scoop up the soup from life’s boiling pot

Drink it all down - and go - with what you’ve got

{You’ve got to….}


Go With What You’ve Got

(Les Paul quote)